The latest news and events from Wheatley Institute.
The Constitution and America's Reflective Patriotism
Watch Dr. Paul Carrese's full remarks from his September 19, 2024 lecture.
Two-Party System Debate: Constitution Day Essay Contest Winners Announced
Winners from the Constitution Day Essay contest were announced and had the opportunity to read their submissions with commentary by Wheatley constitutional fellow Bradley Rebeiro. The essay contest and the event are also co-sponsored by the BYU Law School and College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences.
Disagree Better Summit
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, Vice Chair of the National Governor’s Association, emphasized the importance of civil discourse in political discussion in his remarks at the Disagree Better Summit. This summit, born from Oklahoma’s Better Conversations initiative and Utah Governor Spencer Cox’s Disagree Better initiative, gathered leaders from across the nation to discuss avoiding hateful rhetoric when it comes to hot-button issues. At the summit, Wheatley Institute non-resident fellow Thomas Griffith moderated the event and applied the Will Rogers quote– “never miss a chance to shut up”– to modern political conversations. Watch Governor Stitt discuss the art of respectful disagreement with Tim Shriver, Chairman of the Special Olympics:
How to Remove Contempt from our Political Discourse
Wheatley Institute Fellow Judge Thomas B. Griffith has taken on a major role in the American Bar Association’s Task Force for American Democracy, a project created last year to strengthen the commitment of lawyers to the Constitution and the democratic republic it creates. Judge Griffith was appointed to the Task Force at its creation, and his emphasis since has been on the need for lawyers to protect and defend the Constitution by pushing back against the contempt that too often characterizes current American political disagreement. He is working with the deans of law schools to strengthen their commitment to teaching future lawyers that the most important way for them to carry out their primary duty to support and defend the Constitution is by modeling reasoned and respectful disagreement.
Becoming Peacemakers Through Supporting Religious Freedom And Pluralism
Wheatley Institute Partners with BYU Law to Host Religious Freedom Annual Review
Go Forth With Faith
Wheatley Religion Initiative Director, Paul W. Lambert, Gives Devotional at BYU Idaho Emphasizing the Importance of Faith
Wheatley Institute Director Presents on Role of Faith and Fostering Family Integration
Dr. Jason S. Carroll, the Family Initiative Director, Spoke at Qatar Conference on Interfaith Dialogue