Wheatley Scholar Application - Wheatley Institute Skip to main content

Wheatley Scholar Application

Online applications now open
Best Scholarship on BYU Campus - Wheatley Endowed Leadership Scholarship

Online applications are now closed.

Closed December 31 | 11:59pm

The Jack and Lois Wheatley Leadership Scholarship is a program that supports up to four semesters of undergraduate work at BYU with the potential for additional support of graduate work at a university of the student's choice.


This scholarship endowment was established to inspire and motivate students to develop ethical leadership attributes while pursuing their academic goals related to the core institutions of family, religion as an institution of civil society, and constitutional government. The expectation is that each recipient will continue to prepare to assume leadership responsibilities in their home, their workplace, their church and their community.

Each recipient of the scholarship is required to find a faculty mentor and complete an academic project for which they initiate and execute good work beyond required curriculum. The formats for past projects have included research papers, poster presentations, websites, manuals, portfolios, books, and, in one case, an annotated index.

Scholarship recipients are invited to:

-Attend small group gatherings with visiting scholars
-Register for a first block class taught by Wheatley Fellows and leaders
-Volunteer at Wheatley events and assist with other projects at the Wheatley Institute

Scholarship recipients also receive periodic announcements of special programs at other institutions and have the first opportunity to apply for student positions at Wheatley.

Weigh success not in gain, but in improvements to the world.
Jack Wheatley

We are looking for students who are:

-Maintaining a 3.5 GPA
-In their sophomore and junior years
-Working for good beyond their personal goals
-Successful in enlisting others to help improve the world around them
-Servant leaders who plan and implement actions to reach their vision
-Actively and intentionally participating in the mission of BYU, keeping their subject matter “bathed in the light and color of the restored gospel”

Selection Process

Wheatley Scholars are selected based on:

-An online application filled out by the student
-A faculty recommendation
-A personal reference letter

Strong preference will be given to students whose interests align with the three initiatives of Wheatley Institute: Family, Religion and Constitutional Government.

Students majoring in related topics are obvious possibilities, but students from many majors may have these interests and are still encouraged to apply.