The latest news and events from Wheatley Institute.
Why Institutions Matter
“All of us can play a part in healing our society’s wounds and divisions these days by thinking consciously, explicitly, about how to make the institutions that we are part of a little stronger."
Designed for Love and Connection. Designed for Family.
Wheatley Fellow Jenet Erickson gave a devotional address at BYU-Idaho about the human need for connection, and how humans are designed, both in a theological and a biological sense, to thrive in a family.
Counterfeit Connections
Despite the surge in AI relationship technologies in recent years, little attention has been paid to how such technologies may impact dating and family formation, as well as established marriages and family relationships.
The 10th Annual American Family Survey: Opportunities and Obstacles to a Broad-Based Political Coalition for Families
The future of the American family depends on Americans' ability to agree on the role government should play in supporting marriage and raising children—so how can voters bridge political gaps and come together in support of the family?
For Better: Four Proven Ways to a Strong and Stable Marriage
Helping young people achieve their life goals of marriage is deeply important because a happy marriage is one of the best predictors of life satisfaction for men and women. Accordingly, in this report from the Institute for Family Studies and the Wheatley Institute, we sought to find the top attitudes and behaviors that were predictive of a high quality and stable marriage in a recent survey of married men and women.
2024 American Family Survey
This year marks the tenth fielding of the American Family Survey, a collaborative effort between the Wheatley Institute and Center for the Study of Elections and Democrat at Brigham Young University and the Deseret News.
Christian Renewal and the Future of American Democracy
There has been an immense, gaping hole in Christianity for lack of a fully articulated civic theology. And in the absence of a civic theology of how Christians should address our common culture and politics, there has been the inrush of all these other forces we've seen–such as toxic polarization and partisanship.
Report: Unprotected from Porn
The Rise of Underage Pornography Use and the Ways it is Harming Our Children
Utah Interfaith Fireside: Giving Hope to the Nation
Wheatley Fellow Judge Griffiths spoke at an interfaith event in Salt Lake City promoting bipartisan understanding and respect.
Disciple Scholars and the Constitution
Distinguished Wheatley Fellow Kevin J. Worthen gave a devotional address at BYU-Idaho about disciple-scholars and their unique responsibility to uphold the Constitution.