The real secret about Latter-day Saint women won’t show up on Hulu anytime soon - Wheatley Institute Skip to main content

The real secret about Latter-day Saint women won’t show up on Hulu anytime soon

Wheatley Director and Fellow Place Op-Ed in Deseret News

Wheatley Institute Family Director, Jason Carroll, and fellow, Jenet Jacob Erickson authored an op-ed in Deseret News about highly religious women.

Marketers of Hulu are well-versed in the art of tabloid — draw viewers in with a juicy headline that tells them they’re going to get the real truth about the “darker secrets” people have been covering up. Brain science indicates that such gossip even lights up the reward center of the brain, giving a bizarre sense of pleasure in seeing people “exposed,” appealing to the ego’s sense of being “in the know.”

But tabloids aren’t taken seriously in journalism, or anywhere else, because as most people know, it’s not reliable information — somewhere between complete distortion and all-out-falsehood. But hey, it sells...

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Jenet Jacob Erickson on Inside Sources Podcast

The "Not-So-Secret" Secret to Religious Women’s Experiences

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