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Disagree Better Summit

Wednesday, August 14
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM CT
Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum

Oklahoma Governor J. Kevin Stitt is hosting a Disagree Better Summit in one of Oklahoma’s most sacred spaces, the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum. We invite you to register to join the session online. This program, growing out of a National Governors’ Association Disagree Better initiative, is centered around the idea that as Americans, we can disagree and stand firm for our beliefs and principles, but we should never forget the dignity of the other human being. This summit brings together differing perspectives from prominent elected officials, community leaders and faith traditions and is designed to model how we can learn to disagree in a way that allows us to find solutions and solve problems instead of endlessly bickering.

Speakers include:

  • Kevin Stitt, Republican Governor of Oklahoma
  • Dr. Tim Shriver, CEO of the Special Olympics and Co-Founder of the Dignity Index
  • Suzanne Schreiber, Democrat State Representative from Tulsa
  • Thomas Griffith, former Justice with the United States Court of Appeals
  • Steven W. Taylor, former Chief Justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court
  • Dr. David McAllister-Wilson, President of Wesley Theological Seminary
  • Dr. Mautra Jones, President of Oklahoma City Community College,
  • Dr Thomas Newsom, President of Southeastern OK State University,
  • Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, Vice President, University of Oklahoma
  • Dr Heath Thomas, President of Oklahoma Baptist University

The Disagree Better Summit will elevate ideas and examples where leaders are successfully engaging their differences respectfully and productively. This is one key ingredient that, when combined with the actions of everyday Americans who are deeply concerned and exhausted by the hyper partisanship in our country, will help address the toxic polarization besetting our public life. The session will offer resources and opportunities for individuals and organizations to help build bridges across our divides and find ways to work together on common problems. Wheatley Institute is helping to sponsor this event and Wheatley fellow Judge Thomas Griffith will guide the discussions for the evening.

Register to watch the event online