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Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Raising Kids Much Harder Than It Needs to Be

Timothy P. Carney

Timothy P. Carney spoke about his new book on why modern parenting in America is full of unrealistic expectations and how to return to the virtues of traditional parenting.

Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Raising Kids Much Harder Than It Needs to Be | Tim Carney

Media Coverage

Deseret News - ‘Babies are good, actually,’ Timothy Carney says at BYU
Inside Sources - Tim Carney on How America Has Become Family Unfriendly
Church News- Wheatley Institute: 3 reasons for declining birthrates that you may not have considered

Journalist, think-tank scholar, and father of six Tim Carney argued that ultimately this is a cultural story in his lecture and explored solutions to the struggles of modern parenting.

Why are parents exhausted, children stressed, and birthrates collapsing?

Some say raising kids has become unaffordable. Yes, money plays a role, but it cannot tell the whole story. Ultimately this is a cultural story, argues journalist, think-tank scholar, and father of six Tim Carney.

American culture is family unfriendly in all sorts of ways: too much is expected of parents—helicoptering, driving, paying for tutors, and travel sports; our hyper-individualistic culture doesn’t support and accommodate families like it used to; and our obsessions with achievement and autonomy leave no room for the sacrifice and dependency involved in family.