Deseret News Features Wheatley Fellow Jenet Erickson's Perspective on Roe V. Wade - Wheatley Institute Skip to main content

Deseret News Features Wheatley Fellow Jenet Erickson's Perspective on Roe V. Wade


Jenet Jacob Erickson, an Associate Professor of Religious Education at Brigham Young University and Wheatley Institute Fellow, shared her thoughts on Supreme Court draft leak regarding Roe v. Wade. The draft penned by Justice Samuel Alito seeks to overturn the Roe v. Wade case of 1973 that granted the right to receive an abortion.

Through her article, Erickson offers many reason that support the overturning of Roe v Wade. Erickson cites research showing that a majority of Americans opposed abortion in the third, second and first trimesters of a pregnancy. She also references many well respected women including the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, journalist Frederica Mathewes-Green, suffragist Elizabeth Staton, Susan B. Anthony and first female presidential candidate Victoria Woodhull.

Erickson focuses on how Roe v. Wade has worked to further diminished equality. Erickson states “ironically, the widespread availability of abortion enabled by Roe v. Wade has not remedied inequality for women. It has entrenched it, by refusing to acknowledge and respect the sexual difference between men and women and the gift of women’s life-giving capacity”.

Erickson’s perspective was published on Deseret News on May 19th of 2022. Read full article here.