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The Constitution Under Pressure: Lessons From Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, September 13
4:00 PM

When: September 13 | 4:00pm
Where: Third Floor Assembly Hall | Hinckley Building

Author, religion and ethics scholar, historian, and Harvard law professor, Noah Feldman, addressed the BYU community as part of Constitution Week. Feldman's lecture focused on ideas from his book, "The Broken Constitution: Lincoln, Slavery & The Refounding of America." All are welcome to attend the lecture.

You can watch the lecture recording here.

Listen to Noah Feldman's Forum Address: Few Are Chosen: Comparative Religion and the Public Sphere.

Noah Feldman is Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Chairman of the Society of Fellows, and founding director of the Julis-Rabinowitz Program on Jewish and Israeli Law, all at Harvard University. He specializes in constitutional studies, with particular emphasis on power and ethics, design of innovative governance solutions, law and religion, and the history of legal ideas.

A policy and public affairs columnist for Bloomberg Opinion, Feldman also writes for The New York Review of Books and was a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine for nearly a decade. He hosts the Deep Background podcast, an interview show that explores the historical, scientific, legal and cultural context behind the biggest stories in the news.

Through his consultancy, Ethical Compass, Feldman advises clients like Facebook and eBay on how to improve ethical decision-making by creating and implementing new governance solutions. In this capacity, he conceived and architected the Facebook Oversight Board, and continues to advise the company on ethics and governance issues. Feldman is the author of nine books, including his latest, "The Broken Constitution: Lincoln, Slavery & The Refounding of America."